Considering the contradiction between peaking operation ability and demand of Hebei Southern Electric Network, China made 300 MW units should take part in two-shift peaking operation. 针对河北南网调峰能力和客观上的调峰需要之间矛盾十分突出的特点,提出引进型300MW机组应该参与两班制调峰。
Establishment of peaking power sources in electric network 探讨电网中调峰电源的设置电网调峰电源的设置
Capacity enlargement of existing hydropower stations is an economic and effective way to increase peaking capability of electric network and to improve utility factor of waterpower and operating efficiency of hydropower stations. 对有条件的已建水电站进行扩机增容是增强电网调峰能力和提高水能利用率及水电运行效率的经济、有效措施。